Maison Manguin

From our Provence island, based in South of France, we deliver the best of eaux-de-vie, liqueurs, pastis, olive gin and many more.

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Maison Manguin

From our Provence island, based in Southern France, we deliver the best of eaux-de-vie, liqueurs, pastis, olive gins and many more.

Fête des Pères & JO

(et frais de port offerts)

La Distillerie Manguin

La Provence en bouche

Between the Palace of the Pope of Avignon and the Tower Philippe Le Bel of Villeneuve lez Avignon, wich was linked in the 14th century by the famous bridge of Avignon with its 21 arches, the Barthelasse is the largest river island in Europe with a soil of sand and silt, swept by mistral, propitious for growing exceptional fruit, gorged with the sun of Provence.

It is here, in the forties, that Claude Manguin, a talented agronomist, planted and cultivated several tens of hectares of pear and peach trees and provided exceptional fruit for the most famous delicatessens including Fauchon.

In 1957, the Charentais stills began to distill the fruit and «La Poire Manguin» became the house’s flagship eau de vie, present on the most beautiful gastronomic tables in France and abroad.

Since 2011, Béatrice and Emmanuel Hanquiez, new owners, driven by the passion of quintessence, perpetuate the expertise of the house and create spirits of excellence.

Venez Visiter

Plongez dans l’histoire et le savoir-faire de 80 ans de passion pour les spiritueux. Une expérience inoubliable vous attend !

Venez Déguster

Venez Déguster des accords raffinés de 4 fromages et 4 spiritueux dans une ambiance conviviale en famille ou entre amis.

Venez vous former

Ateliers Cocktails : Apprenez à réaliser 3 cocktails avec un barman professionnel. Matériel et alcools fournis.

Les coups de coeur

La Provence en bouche

Notre nouvelle gamme Olive Spirits

L'olive distillée, du jamais bu


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